Friday, February 26, 2010

Phil Jackson and the Art of Sour Grapes

Phil Jackson (head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers) today complained about the return of Zydrunas Ilgauskas to the Cleveland Cavaliers. Big Z was an integral part of the Cavs-Wizards trade that brought Antawn Jamison to Cleveland. In fact, his large contract was the only reason they were able to make the move. In the ever-stranger world of the NBA salary cap, Ilgauskas has subsequently been bought out of his contract and can return to Cleveland in 30 days if he so chooses.

What bothers Jackson about this move is that Z can return to Cleveland if he wants to do so, creating a sort of Boomerang Effect wherein Cleveland essentially traded nothing beyond to a future first round pick for an All Star-caliber player like Jamison AND get their backup center back into the fold after he takes a 3 week vacation. I'm inclined to agree with Jackson in principle. It's a ridiculous loophole that has been exploited time and time again and only allows the rich to get richer. (Though I will say, as long as the loophole exists, smart teams should continue to use it.)

There's no denying Jackson's pedigree as a coach; he ranks top 3 or better in the history of the game no matter who you talk to. My problem is with Jackson being the voice of the resistance against these types of moves. Jackson has a propensity to shoot his mouth off (in a very zenful way) whenever something goes against him and his club while conveniently remaining mute when such a move benefits him. After all, this is the same coach who's teams were handed two straight trips to the NBA Finals because Memphis essentially GAVE them Pau Gasol. That was one of the most lopsided, embarrassing trades in the history of the league and while the Boomerang Effect wasn't involved, it's the same sort of thing: a "Have" with a smart GM taking advantage of a "Have Not" with a moronic GM.

A thought for Coach Jackson: shut up. Are there problems with the way business is done in the NBA, especially concerning the salary cap and revenue sharing? Yes, of course. Having benefited ENORMOUSLY from such issues do you have the right to point those out and complain? Absolutely not. The Lakers do not make it to the Finals in 2008 or win the title in 2009 without Memphis screwing the rest of the league by gift wrapping Gasol for you. Just be glad you're a part of a team that's usually on the winning side of these types of transactions and shut your hole. The rest of the sports world is tired of your sour grapes.


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