Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mavericks Make a Move/Make Me Angry

You'll have to forgive me if I seem a bit distracted in this post. I'm standing on the ledge of a high building as we speak, contemplating whether or it would be worse to jump and end my Dallas Mavericks fandom or switch allegiances to the LA Lakers.

After failing to acquire any of the big free agents and getting beat to the punch on Al Jefferson, the Dallas Mavericks finally traded in the expiring contract of Erick Dampier. Damp, along with worst-player-in-the-league Matt Carroll and Eduardo Najera will be sent to Charlotte in exchange for centers Tyson Chandler and Alexis Ajinca. Dampier can be cut anytime between now and the first game of the season with no cost to the Bobcats. Chandler's contract expires after this season so he has a bit more value than what he brings to the court alone.

Let's just be open and honest: as a lifelong Maverick fan, I am pissed. The Mavs front office has talked up the Dampier contract and the way it was structured for the last two years. While we all knew that moving him for a premier superstar like Lebron or Wade was a longshot at best, I think all of us believed we could get something of value, something that put us close to the top. That's all I'm asking for; a chance to contend, make a playoff run, and maybe get lucky. That's all. This trade doesn't do it. I like Tyson Chandler. When he can stay healthy (which isn't often) he's an exciting player with a lot of energy and an aptitude for big dunks and blocked shots. I like that. What I don't like is cashing in what was billed to be a major trade chip in exchange for a backup who is completely redundant to what you already have on the roster.

If you're going to acquire Tyson Chandler then don't resign Brendan Haywood. If you're going to resign Brendan Haywood then don't trade for Tyson Chadler. They do they EXACT SAME THING. Both are solid defenders, both rebound well, and both are next to worthless on the offensive end. You can't run set plays for either of these guys and expect to get easy buckets. Chandler is more athletic, Haywood more durable but they are, for all intents and purposes, the same player. Adding a second no-offense center doesn't address any of the team's many needs. The Mavs still don't have a suitable backup for Dirk. They still don't have an actual backup point guard behind a 38 year old Jason Kidd. They still have two small forwards and no starting shooting guards. They still have a rapidly declining Jason Terry filling a role as a primary scoring option. And most importantly, they still can't score.

Since Steve Nash left the Mavs in 2004 the team has had only one significantly better-than-average offensive weapon and that was Josh Howard before he crashed and burned. I love love love Jason Kidd but his inability to get his own shot limits his offensive impact. Jason Terry is a third or fourth option who has been masquerading as a Number Two for years. Caron Butler might be a Number Two but not in this system and not while playing out of position as a shooting guard. Year after year the Mavericks get bounced in the playoffs and talk about making big changes and then in the end they get the old band back together and give it a go with a few minor tweaks. In doing so they have wasted the majority of Dirk Nowitzki's prime. Get the guy some freaking help. Batman needs a Robin. Jason Terry isn't Robin, Caron Butler isn't Robin, Rodrique Beaubois isn't ready to be Robin, and Tyson Chandler DEFINITELY isn't Robin. Without adding a legitimate offensive player, a guy who can get you easy baskets and get his own shot, it will take incredible luck to get a shot at a championship.

In the Mavs defense getting something for nothing is a plus. Tyson Chandler can definitely play a little bit and what the Mavs paid to get him is chump change. Just getting rid of Matt Carroll and his contract makes them a better team if for no other reason than it opens a roster spot for someone who gives a crap. What the Bobcats are thinking here is totally unclear to me or anyone else with a pulse. Dampier is instant cap space so you can see the benefit in that. But I could seriously make a case for Matt Carroll's contract being the worst in the league. Sure, it's not huge money (around $4 million a year for the next three years) but Carroll is at best a 12th man, meaning you're now paying $4 million to a guy who will never see the court for three more years. Najera's contract is also not great. So somehow the Bobcats have managed to lose money in a money-saving deal. Take it a step further and consider that just yesterday the Bobcats had agreed to trade Chandler and Boris Diaw to Toronto for Jose Calderon and other considerations before backing out at the last minute. Calderon isn't a superstar but he's a quality NBA point guard, something the Cats really need. So what's the deal here? How do you go from adding a potential franchise cornerstone to taking on bad contracts and getting nothing in return? The Bobcats can't seem to figure out if they're going to try to build on last season's playoff berth or start over. Crap or get off the pot, so to speak.

In the end, the Mavs took the Bobcats to the cleaners with this deal. It's ridiculous how unbalanced this trade is in favor of Dallas. For that I have to give them some credit. But cashing this trade chip, a chip that has been talked about among Maverick fans for two years, on a backup who can't score is infuriating.

Dallas Grade: C
Charlotte Grade: F

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